Family History 

Art and Ida Liffengren Jansen
 of Rapid City, South Dakota.

Bud and Doug, you can write your family history here.  You will have lots of great visuals - Ida's Art work, Art's carvings, Doug's photos. 

I will get you set up to post directly to this site - I think you have to have a gmail address - this is free, just go to and get it.


Grand children of Ole and Barbo Liffengren. Ida Liffengren Jansen is 1st row, second from the right.

Stave Church in Reingly, Bagn, Norway, where Grandmother Tronrud lived. Her home was far above the Liffengren home in Bagn (below).

Liffengren Farm in Bang.  The Great Grandparents Ole and Barbo Liffengren took Ida's father, Helmer, back to the family farm when he was 1 years of age. 

Cousins Aslak and Linda Tronrud and Beth and Craig Hullinger in Oslo, Norway

Beautiful Vik, Sogn, Norway where the Anderson ancestors lived. On the largest Fjord in Norway, across from the largest waterfall.  There are 15 farms in the community where Ida's ancestors lived.

Cousins of Ida on their ancestral farm - Sod Roofs

Photos of Norwegian Villages where Ida's Ancestors lived

Bagn, Norway - Liffengren and Tronrud Families

Vik, Norway - Anderson Family


Family Tree for Liffengren / Anderson
Make Louise Hullinger (Ida's sister)
the Primary

Norwegian Cousin Aslak Tronrud's Web Page

Ida's Uncle, who died in World War II

Artists Art and Ida Jansen

Art Jansen’s Celtic Cross and Carved Wooden Chain, along with Ida Liffengren Jansen’s painting “Life References.” are shown below. Art  notes that Christ was a carpenter and woodworker, too.  “As a carpenter, he needed faith in his ability and his recognition of finished product before he laid a tool to the wood. To me, faith is not knowing, but believing.  I look at a piece of wood and imagine what it could become.” Perhaps like  God looks at him. Art says that while some of his masterpieces turn out to be “decorative firewood”  with faith, he continues to whittle.

Art Jansen with his carved wooden Celtic Cross at First UMC.

Art Jansen with his carved wooden Celtic Cross at First  UMC.
Ida LiffengrenJansen with "Life References." The objects shown in the painting were especially important to her, she said.

Ida LiffengrenJansen with Life References." The objects shown in the painting were especially important to her, she said.

Art Jansen, World War II Marine

Marine Corps League Rapid City